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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Interview Question

February 18 2009.
Today I'm finishing up my interview question that i have been working on for about 2 days. The interview question that I been working on are for me to ask someone that is a witness to animal abuse. I brainstorm about some of them and now I'm stuck trying to figure out what other question i can ask the person. Another thing that I'm working on is who am I going to interview.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Did you Kinow...?

QUESTION: Did you know?


· Dog fighting and cock-fighting are illegal in all 50 states.
· Tens of thousands of wild and domesticated horses from the United States are cruelly slaughtered every year to be used for horsemeat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U.S. were closed in 2007, thousands of horses have been shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter.

· 38 states and the District of Columbia currently have laws that make intentional cruelty a felony charge, while 12 states treat neglectful cruelty and intentional cruelty as a misdemeanor; but changes are in the works.

· The most horrific cases of animal cruelty can perhaps be seen in circuses. Many times animals in a circus are trained using physically abusive training methods and other practices of intimidation. Trainers rampantly use whips, chains and sharp objects to beat and poke the animals into submission.
· The animals are kept chained in unhygienic conditions for long periods of time and do not get medical aid when they are injured. Many countries such as India, Singapore, Sweden and Austria among others have come forward to ban or restrict use of animals and to create and promote animal free circuses. It will take some time to totally eradicate animal cruelty from circuses.

· Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies

· If you live in Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Rhode Island, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, New York, New Jersey and Vermont you have the legal right to refuse to participate in dissection in class! In Louisiana, there is a State resolution and in Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland and New Mexico, there are Departments of Education resolutions in place that allow you to refuse to dissect, although it hasn’t yet become a law.
· Anyone with a heart knows it’s wrong to clothesline a baby animal body slam it to the ground, tie its legs so it can’t move and drag it by its neck. This is what happens to cows and bulls. But if this happened to a puppy or kitten the person who did it would be charged of crime and go to jail. Help all animals……rescue them from this pain.
· 3. 3. More than 15 million warm-blooded animals are used in research every year.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What I learned doing my webliography

Today is February 2,2008 in the beginning of this week we were told to put our website in information in citation. Doing that made us look over website and see if they are good for my topic. I been enjoying doing this because it has taught me a lot of thing that i didn't know about animal abuse. One thing that i didn't know that i want to share with you guys are that intentional animal abuse is often committed by a person who feels powerless and unnoticed. The motive may be to shock, threaten,intimidate, or offend others. Some who are cruel to animals copy things they have seen or that have been done to them. Others see harming an animal as a way to get revenge on someone who cares about that animal. That really open my eyes because i only thought that people who gets abuse or people who have metal problems but that's not it.